Creating awareness and support



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The purpose of Bully Be Gone, Inc. is to raise awareness about the devastating impact of bullying and to pass on the message to all that you are not alone. You can survive being bullied. You can survive the hurt and anger. You can survive the loneliness and pain. You can survive the fear and frustration.

We understand that those behind the bullying are also suffering and most likely have been bullied or have experienced social rejection themselves, causing them to “pass it on”. We want to help you change and undo the suffering you have created as well as find positive and productive ways to move forward while you heal and grow into the person others respect and look up to, not run from.

Five Practical Ways to Stop Bullying

1) Recognize and Respond

Bullying and intolerance manifest as verbal, written or physical acts that harm another person.
•Educate students, parents and staff about taking bullying seriously and how to recognize it. Make an action plan to respond swiftly to incidents and daily teasing.
•Identify and monitor places where most bullying happens (e.g., on the way to and from school, in the cafeteria, and on the school yard.)

2) Create Dialogue

Create opportunities for open dialogue with youth about bullying and intolerance. Let students lead through peer-to-peer action.
•Provide opportunities for students to share their feelings, problems or ideas.
•Get students involved in organizing anti-bullying forums where they resolve problems.

3) Encourage Bystanders to Become “Upstanders”

Upstanders are people who stand up for themselves and others.
•Model ways for young people to intervene and speak up. Practice with role-playing.
•Help youth develop effective phrases to reject negative comments or social media posts.
•Have older students help younger students learn to speak up.

4) Foster Safety and Inclusion

Foster safe and welcoming environments that promote inclusion and acceptance, places where students feel everyone is respected and their identity is valued.
•Connect with young people and create the trust that will help them come forward if they are being bullied.
•Listen to them, pay attention and offer support when students are upset or sad.

5) Educate Your Community

Partner with others to take joint action in educating students, teachers and parents about bullying in your school and community.
•Create a coalition of elected, school and civic community leaders to sign a school-wide pledge to say No Bullying: Not In Our School/Not In Our Town.
•Sponsor a “Not In Our Schools” Week with buttons, banners, slogans, t-shirts and school-wide activities. (~Edutopia)

Please contact us if you need our help implementing these steps into your school. We do not charge a fee. In fact, your school will profit through our fundraisers, and your students will thank you for a safe environment.


“The most beautiful people that we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. ~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross


Valerie’s Story